Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Giving of Symbolic Vigil names

Native American names are very symbolic. They have no sir or family parts as European names do, thus they do not indicate a person’s parentage. Generally Native Americans had three types of names; birth names, nicknames, and honor or public names. Birth names are those given at birth. The stereotypical ideas that a child was name after the first noticeable thing the mother saw after its birth, or after an event occurring near the birth seldom happened. Many times the child was simply called by birth order, such as; first-born son, first-born daughter and so on. A nickname usually came from some odd characteristic or humorous act of the child, one that would that would take before the owner would be aware of it.
The honor or public name is a conferred name given by someone of importance. Such a name usually indicates a distinguishing character or deed by an ancestor or himself. If the deed was done by him self it was sometimes called the deed name. These are the types of names that are used for Vigil names in the Order of the Arrow.
Much care should be given when choosing a Vigil name for someone. It should be honorable, based on a person’s qualities, talents, traits, and ambitions. It should not be humorous, ridiculous, or insinuating. It should follow basic Native American name giving customs. Under such conditions, it should be a distinguishing name.
Traditionally, the Order of the Arrow draws upon the North American Indian culture, principally the Lenni-Lenape Tribe, for their Vigil names. However, in special instances you could draw from other cultures like South Pacific Island cultures for Vigil names when there is personal heritage connection. The Order holds an understanding that not all Native American tribes have the same culture, beliefs, and languages, so you can draw from any of them, but encourages you to draw from one near you.

Friday, December 16, 2011

OA Native American Regalia

One of the highlights of the Order of the Arrow is its use of Native American attire.  It is one of the most exciting parts of the program to some members; in fact it’s what brings many into the program. Still few realize the cost involved in acquiring Native American regalia.
The cost, while it should not be a factor in active participation in the order, sometimes gets in the way of becoming active in the ceremony and dance portions of it. A well made Native American Dance outfit normally costs about $150, even if substitute and imitation materials are used. That’s a lot of money for a 14-year-old. An Order of the Arrow Ceremonial outfit can cost more or less, depending on if “found and rebuilt” items are used, or if real leather, like in Utah Valley, is used. Your regalia needs not be complete to be used in ceremonies, either.
While O-A members are encouraged to adopt the lore or attire of tribes local to them. The easiest and cheapest costumes to make are the Apache, the Pueblo, and Navajo of the southwest cultural area, but these tribes are not near most members areas. The Western Plains Cultural Area is the most wanted regalia and it takes time and money to build. Something is needed in the mean time.
You may try and borrow regalia from most lodges, chapters, or Advisors until you decide which direction you want to take with your own regalia. Just remember that whenever you borrow regalia, from what ever the source, you need to provide your own earth tone shorts and moccasins for sanitary reasons.
Most O-A members acquire their regalia from many sources. Not everyone can bead, sew, or do feather work. Thus, some items are bought, some are given as gifts for Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays, and some are made by other members of family.

Monday, December 12, 2011

OA Native American Awareness

 “When people of one culture meet those of another, it helps if both know what behavior is acceptable, which words will smooth communication and which should be avoided.”
(Suzanne Walson, “Sharing a Heritage,” Scouting, Nov-Dec 1997.)

As members of the Order of the Arrow, that’s based on American Indian customs and traditions, we should remember that we are participating in a culture that is not our own. Although it’s part of the history of America, and should be preserved, we are just visitors, gaining a greater understanding and appreciation through participation. Most Native American Tribes consider some items and dances holy and sacred. They consider some words and Indian stereotypes offensive.  We should always remember that we, of the order, are a bridge between cultures and should act in a way that promotes friendship and understanding between peoples.
For this reason it is not appropriate for Order of the Arrow members to use words that are offensive, to use Native American religious Items as part of our regalia, nor should we dance Native American Religious Dances. Remember that we are not pretending to be Native Americans; our purpose is to enjoy some of their dancing, crafts, and traditions. We should not copy any one else’s regalia. We should not paint our faces, and we should not use items from endangered or protected species, for obvious reasons.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Scout Jargon

Scouting has a lot of jargon specific to Boy Scouting, just like other activities and professions. Often a new leader does not know what is going on or what has been said because they have yet to learn the terminology. Some times this can be funny to us, but embarrassing to them.
It is not safe to assume that everyone working in scouting knows what a Cracker Barrel or a Woggle is. The key to remember is, to whom you are trying to communicate. If there is new scout or Scouter in the target audience, then include the definition so that new leaders can learn and understand the program. Here are some of the more common definitions- they are not intended to be the last word on Scouting.

Alpha Phi Omega – A college scouting service fraternity.
Akela- a good leader.
Board of review- a review for Boy Scouts.
B-P- Short for Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell.
Buddy system- The paring of scouts for safe swimming and hiking.
Camporee- A unit, district, or council over-night gathering of Scouts.
Cracker Barrel - A get together or informal meeting over snacks, generally before bedtime.
Derby- A contest between rivals of the same activity, at the same location.
Ditty Bag - A small bag carried on a hike or campout which holds small personal items.
Fleur-de-lis - The generic Scout emblem in the shape of a Lily or Iris flower.
Good-Ol’ Days- events of over two or more years ago.
Gorp - A mixture of finger food and small high energy foods eaten on the trail.
Jamboree- national or world gathering of Scouts.
Key 3- the three head leaders of a district or council.
Klondike- Winter campout or camporee.
Noggin- archaic term for a small wood drinking cup.
Pedro- The cartoon mail burro in Boys’ Life magazine.
Swappin'- A Scout term for trading at Jamborees and other Scouting events.
“To Be Square” - part of the old Cub Scout promise from 1930 to 1970.
Totem- An emblem or design designating the name of something.
UNPC- Utah National Parks Council
Woggle - a turks head or woven knot worn as a neckerchief or scarf slide.
WOSM- World Organization of the Scout Movement.
YIS - Yours In Scouting; a common Signature line between Scouters.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Class B Uniforms

            Uniforms have always have been a part of scouting. It is the saga of Scouting. It means that a scout belongs; it stands for service and character. The tan and green field uniform is a well-known symbol of American scouting. Yet in common usage, there are three types of Scout Uniforms; the Field, Dress, and Activity. The Field uniform, the classic Kaki Uniform should be worn when the meetings are directed at young people. The Dress Uniform should be worn when working with non-uniformed groups and council excusive boards, and formal scouting functions.

The Activity uniform, which is often a t-shirt customized just for the troop, camp or activity are appropriate for work projects, sporting activities, and other events in which the other uniforms might get damaged. The Field and Activity uniforms are often referred to as Class A and Class B uniforms but that military terminology not correct for Scout Uniforms. BSA wants us to call them Field and Activity uniforms.

The Activity uniform style seems to be seeing more frequent usage. But the problem here is that most boys wear only the T-shirt part of this uniform. If you don’t have the pants/shorts part of the uniform then it is not a uniform, it’s just a t-shirt with scout logo. You can’t salute the flag without the official pants/shorts. The instant belonging with the program is gone without scout pants/shorts. Wearing the shirt alone is not “in uniform.”

Sunday, December 4, 2011


“Mafuzziwogs” are small homemade items that represent a person, their community, or their background, that scouts trade at world and national events. Well that’s what Baden-Powell called them, when they were first used to represent some hospitalized scouts that could not attend 1924 Imperial Jamboree at Wembly, England. They became very poplar before the invention of modern patches and pins, for trading and introducing one Scout to another, especially in the 1940's and 1950's.
There are a few rules for giving or trading these little trinkets, tokens, or mementos; they should tell or represent something about the givers, the group, the country, the community, or local Scout continent. They should be inexpensive in nature. Time should be taken to know a little about whom you trade. And a handshake should always follow the trade.
In Girl Scouts these are called SWAPs. In more recent years, the name has become an acronym for, “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” In Boy Scouting there is no set word for them, although I heard the term “trades” fairly often and more recently the term “Swag” just like in Geocaching. Trading is and will be forever part of scouting sprit of friendship and camaraderie.

Friday, December 2, 2011

O-A Politics- Parent Leaders

Why must politics’ play in the Order of the Arrow? Why must leader parents jump in sway or manipulate the elections? I know that they have always been there, but is the prestige so important as to over look the best boy for the job, in favor of their “son”?
Back in the ‘80s, our old chapter was split into to junior highs, towns A and B. Town B was 2 to 3 times bigger than A. When elections were set and held, most of the youth that showed were from town A and the adviser was from town B. He put off elections until town B’s school had an activity and they could not go, thus the boys from his town could run uncontested. There was no activity that prevented the first un-attendees from town B attending the first election time, they just forgot. Time proved this was not for the best of the chapter, even though Town A boys remained active, after a year they were almost the only ones attending, except those in power. Ten years later, the same chapter but different advisor only did elections in the favored troops, so that the adviser only had to work popular youth. Within two years, only one boy was attending.
Our Lodge just endured some of the same election problems and at the chapter meeting last night it happened again. When the leaders play favorites and manipulate the elections, it seams that it upsets the balance. O-A needs all boys, but some are better leaders than others.
Our Chapter has just dropped from over 100 youth members to under 30, over the last two years. Last nights meeting only had nine boys present at the elections, although another one came later. It needs a strong leader that will communicate with everyone, help everyone feel welcome, and not dictate orders. No adult leader will keep the youth coming if the other youth in the program do not accept them. Of the 50 or more new elected candidates this year less than ten ordealed; many visited a meeting once or twice and never came again, nor did they ordeal.
Frankly the best youth for the job is not often a natural leader, but someone who has the resources, the tenure, the willing heart, and training to do a good job. Often good leaders are the ones that get the job done, without taking sides, and not forming best buddies with whom they give special privileges. It is not the boy whom does not attend or represent the chapter at functions, nor pressure his inexperienced brother to run for office just because he does not want to work with someone: Although the problems actually go farther than that last night, with the vote count.
In my 34 years of experience in scouting, if a unit is fractured, the youth leadership should be filled with boys from all fractions. That way all fractions have representation in the said leadership; the leadership normally jells and bonds after the adviser helps to them work at a hard task together. The best thing about filling leaders from all the fractions is that they all bring their friends and more attend over all.
I realize that many parent leaders do not have an unbiased view of their son, thus we have problems. Boys can over come a popular leader, they just train him, but hurt feelings are hard to overcome. When parent leaders get involved this is what happens.

Footnote- Sorry I just needed to rant ... I’ve been asked what was done wrong- the candidates did not have their names written on the board so all would know how to spell their names and both had similar names. The candidates did not give a speech so that they could tell what they could bring to the table or about their experience. The votes were tallied by a parent leader, alone. And that a member was allowed to vote after the votes where taken, as he walked down hall where the votes were tallied.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Scout Spirit Ashes

Legend has it that lord Baden-Powell would always take a small amount of cool ashes from the night be fore’s campfire and spread them into the next campfire as part of its opening. This tradition began during his days in the British Army. He did this until his death on January 8th, 1941. Its purpose, he said, was to bring all Scouts and Scouters the international aspect of the world brotherhood of scouting.
Other scouts and Scouters would place the end of their staves in the fire's embers to hold on to the spirit felt there and help them remember the event. Some feel that the ashes themselves contain the essence of the scout spirit they felt as the campfires' brilliant flames turned to glowing embers. Thus, ashes taken from a campfire and sprinkled into the flames of the next could have a written pedigree through scout spirit and brotherhood.
Normally it is traditional that only those present at the campfire ceremony carry those ashes, when stirred and cooled, to the next fire. If by chance, more than one scout or Scouter brings ashes to the same campfire, the pedigree lists are pooled, with all dates and places recorded and passed on. In many places all those who wish to participate or carry away ashes must each bring a small stick, pinecone or acorn for the fire, and bring their own container.
A charge should be included in the ceremony when these old ashes are sprinkled into the new flames of your fire. Any ceremony or charge can be used. This charge is rumored to be written by B-P himself and could be added to any ash ceremony. "We carry our friendship with us in these ashes from other campfires with comrades in other lands. May the joining of the dead fires with the leaping flames symbolize once more the unbroken chain that binds scouts and guides around the world." . . . "With greetings from scouts of all nations everywhere."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In the defense of Scouting

                In my 25 years of experience I have found that Scouting is for all kinds of Boys; be they young, old or even handicapped. All boys need something worthwhile to strive for. Boys want to participate in Scouting because they find it fun, not because it has quality leadership. Boys want to get away from it all, to prove them selves, find a sense of belonging, and find a place to be boys. These modest benefits found in Scouting were not even thought of as part of Robert Baden-Powell’s early vision in 1908.
                Many of our boys sit at home watching television and playing video games while the easy life saps their ambition and spirit. Others look for belonging in gangs with rights of passage that break the law, or are contrary to good character.
Scouting offers boys a safe and sane right of passage. There are a minimum of 90 positive experiences just from the ranks of Tenderfoot to Eagle, that a boy can pit himself against and win. Boy Scouts do not have to lose where it matters, if they do their best. In boy scouting, a boy can prove himself in spite of any problems he or society may have.
To recap Scouting has many benefits:
*A feeling of belonging and equality in a gang with direction and supervision, a feeling of self worth by giving him something to shoot for and giving him recognition for doing it.
*It gives him a sense of adventure while he learns to master the elements and therefore himself.
*Scouting gives him a place to act-up with rough jokes, snipe hunts, and snowball fights without adults getting too mad, A place that he can talk about girls while not having to talk to them … while still being supervised.
*Scouting is a parental approved form of escaped, a place that scouts do not have to be athletic to prove themselves, and a place where they can find acceptability because younger boys look up to them and older boys find them tolerable.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Uniform Police

You could say I used be part of the Scout Uniform Police, but not any more. I pick my battles; patches sewn on wrong are not worth the hit to a persons self esteem, nor are some of the nit-picky rules that have come into common practice or Scouting Tradition worth the trouble.
Some of the rules are hold-overs from the military, and have little place in boy Scouting. For instance the “Metal on Metal” rule for how the belt is worn or military creases. Nothing is found in the current uniform inspection sheet about either. It only states that an official belt be worn, leather or woven, not that it needs to be fitted to military standard and that the member be “neatly dressed.”
            The rule that a World Crest Emblem must be worn is also wrong; it may be worn by all members of Scouting to symbolize their membership in the World Scouting movement, but is not required. Those “100 Anniversary” rings are nice, and a good way to get members of the movement to wear the crest, but they often make the uniform cluttered and limit the number of knots that can worn.
Hardly anyone wears Service stars any more. They can be worn by all youth and adult members who have at least one year of tenure with the Boy Scouts of America. Other than the stars are to worn with the appropriate color background there are few rules for their wear. Members can wear them for their separate primary registrations simultaneously. Or, leaders may combine youth and adult tenure into one or two stars with blue backgrounds.
In my option, a true blue Uniform Inspection should be only done once a year, during the Charter renewal and membership inventory, as required by BSA. We did ours during the Blue and Gold Dinner. Once a year, is enough of being singled out and checked for everything present, in place, and worn neatly. At other times we did a simple “Who has the Best Uniform” competition, which do not demean the scout or parent for wrong placement. These would be spontaneous, with every boy getting a small candy bar and the winner getting a big one. This was all that was needed to ensure that all boys can have a complete uniform.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Excess temporary insignia

Excess insignia is not just found on the adults. The main problem with scouts wearing excess insignia is with their temporaries, those pesky cloth peaces that a boy receives by attending events. I don’t know if it is the parent that thinks that everything earned must go on the uniform or if it’s the boy, who is so proud of them, wants to wear all of them. But I have seen them sewn on the shoulder, pocket flap, shirt tail, sleeve, and four or more deep hanging from each pocket button.
BSA’s current Insignia Guide states: “Temporary insignia are issued for such events as summer camp, camporees, and Scouting shows … Only one such patch may be worn at a time. The patch is worn centered on the right pocket and must not exceed the dimension of the seams of the pocket, nor extend higher than the lowest tip of the pocket flap. It may be either sewn or suspended from under the flap attached to the button.”
The list of Temporary insignia includes the funky shaped Totin Chip Patches, which most parents try to sew on the pocket flap. The only exceptions are the Cub Immediate Recognition emblems, which may be worn suspended from the right pocket button by Cubs in addition to sewn-on temporary insignia.
The guide further explains “Previously earned badges and insignia—not representing present status—make a fine display on a BSA red patch vest, a trophy hide or blanket, exhibited in the home of the recipient, or at functions where such a display is invited.” It further explains “Members may wear only temporary patches (no badges of rank) on the back of the merit badge sash.”
            Personally, I like to sew them on a Blanket Poncho, which can be used as a coat or blanket at camp. Make or buy a Fleece Throw. Then bind a “T” cut opening that you have cut into the middle of the throw; add ties at the appropriate place to tie shut. Use a “T” opening instead of a round hole so that you do not have a cold spot when used as a blanket, like my oldest son did when I made his. If you wish it to be washable, use only cloth patches.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Scouting's Salad Bars

Recently Scouting magazine had a Facebook spot from their September 1998 issue of the magazine about Proper Placement of Patches on a Uniform. I agree that insignia should be worn properly, but my problem is more with excess insignia. BSA’s current Insignia Guide states:
 With the exception of the Cub Scout badges of rank and Arrow Points, members wear only the insignia that show their present status in the movement. Members should make every effort to keep their uniforms neat and uncluttered.”
Scouter’s who insist in wearing every knot that they have earned, filling up a salad bar until it over flows, just looks bad, especially if they have included spoofs or backed them with Velcro. It used to be that only 12 knots could be worn at a time; this is no longer the case. Many Scouters now have earned more, and on men’s uniforms they fit, but women’s have the pocket sewn higher or something because they is not room for more than a couple of rows. 
            Are all those knots necessary? I understand wearing a few, it shows that you have experience and gains you respect, but more just over does it. It intimidates a lot of new Scouters that would benefit from your knowledge but are afraid to ask. After you have earn a dozen or more, try wearing only those that were bestowed, like the District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, or a Scoutmaster of Merit, those that someone else put you in for. Those who have tenure in the program know them for what they are, and the newbies are not so intimidated as to be stand offish to you. I know this works, I’ve just tried it and it works.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Scouting's Ladder

When you have a good program, boys seem to come out of the woodwork, but without parent’s help they are unlike to succeed. Leaders can only take up so much slack. There are very few self-starters in this world — but there are a lot of young men that, with a little encouragement from the right persons, are ready to excel. Parents need only pick up and read their son’s handbook to see where their help is needed, it may be transportation to a meeting, an opportunity to learn a new skill, or even a family activity in which badge work has been included.
You could say that scouting is like a ladder into society; the first two years in Cubbing are done in the home, with parents signing off the badge work; the next two years, the Webelos and New Scout Patrol years, are done in the neighborhood with the leaders signing the badges. The next years are done in the community with Merit Badge Councilors, with badge work reviewed by a committee.
This is why Eagle Scouts are so good at striking out on their own. They have been away from home before, they are prepared to deal with a lack of things, and are generally able to cope with the unexpected without help from their parents. They have moved away from having decisions made for them and into making decisions for them selves. They have the skills to “launch from the nest.”

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Scouting's apathy

Scouting has a apathy right now; a few do for the many. Parents seldom help, expecting others to do for theirs, leaving the scoutmaster or leader to do what was traditionally done by the committee and by the job title or only doing the minimum of what’s required. There is a reason that weekly meetings work, they are remembered.

I wish that others would become sold on the program of Scouting. In Scouting, it is a win-win situation. One team does not have to lose so the other can win, although there is a place in life for that too. If a Boy, or girl, tries to achieve in Scouting, they can. Scouting's rank achievements do not rely on another scout's activities. If they try, they do achieve, and on their own merit.

In recent years, nearly five-million boys have been involved in scouting. This has caused the biggest rebirth of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) since the Vietnam era when uniforms were hardly in. Scouting instills values in tomorrow's citizens and leaders. Scouting does this with their Boy Scout Oath & Law, and the Cub Scout promise & law. All scouts in the program must understand and pledge to live by these values. In fact that's the program's primary mission, to help install values contained in these pledges in their young people and in other ways prepare them to make informed, ethical choices as adults.

Yet there are not enough younger Leaders to run the program. The current leaders are generally older, and ageing. If younger adults and Parents of the boys do not step to the plate the program will flounder.